The rooming list contains information on the guest(s) reservation and their credit card information. The information is securely stored under PCI- DDS guidelines. PCI-DSS, or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, is a set of safety regulations created by the major credit card associations to protect card data. It defines the best practices for card security that every company should implement, affecting all hotels independently from their size or location. The purpose is to reduce as much as possible the risk for fraud, data theft, identity theft, and other threats. Further information is available at the following link:
There is a security process to follow for your hotel to be able to access the secure rooming list information generated by Book Your Block bookings (see below). The link to access the secure rooming list was sent the same day as the your RFP bid was accepted and the contract was generated. If you did not receive or would like it re-sent please email the Book Your Block hospitality team at the following:
Hotel Name: ?
Location: ?
Event name: ?
Contact person: ?
Email: ?
Request: Please send the secure rooming list email and link
If you have any questions
Each day a reservation is made at your hotel you will receive a confirmation email with the booking information. The ongoing reservations are collected into the secure rooming list. The next step is to access the secure rooming list, place those reservations into your hotel system and generate a confirmation to the guest from your hotel system. Then place your hotel confirmation number for the reservation back into the our rooming list so we are both able to cross reference the guest bookings.
Step 1.
a. Open the automated email sent to you from our system (see example below)
b. If you are unable to locate try searching: Rooming list website link in your email inbox. If unable to find contact us as per the prior page.
c. We suggest once you have the email below you save the link in Step 1: below as you will be continually using the link.
d. Click on the blue link: Click here to access secure Rooming List websitee. For security purposes a new email will be sent to your inbox with further instructions.
Step 2:
a. Then re-check your email inbox.
b. You should receive a new email with a header with the title Your Email Address (see example below)
c. The email provides you with an updated link to the Secure Rooming List
d. Click on the link: Click Here to Access the Rooming List
e. Security protocol give you 10 minutes from the time this email was sent to access the link.
d. If the time limit expired and you are unable to gain access repeat Step 1:
Step 3:
a. Once at the link webpage click: I AGREE
Step 4:
a. Choose your property and event from the dropdown.
b. The list of guest names that have booked at your hotel will list below.
c. For each guest click on the blue link: View Guest & CC Details/Enter Confirmation
Step 5:
a. This will direct you to the Guest Reservation Details.
b. The guest details and room type are listed at the top.
c. The team or group name is listed. Please place our guests in rooms close to one another.
d. The guest credit card information is listed 3/4 down the page.
e. Enter the guest information and credit card into your hotel system.
f. Generate a hotel system confirmation to the guest.
Step 6:
a. Enter the guest confirmation confirmation # from your hotel reservation system for this guest into this screen and your name (see below)
b. Confirm Reservation
c. This will match up the Book Your Block booking reference with the hotel reservation confirmation number allowing us both to cross-reference
d. Check the secure rooming list for any hotel cancelations or modifications to the reservation and ensure they are all processed in the same format
e. Customer Service is a Priority. Our guests like to receive prompt confirmations from the hotel after placing their Book Your Block booking
f. Therefore, we recommend you review the secure rooming list on a weekly basis once reservations start arriving and complete the process above