The Stay to Play policy provides efficient management of travel logistics for you and your team.
Hundreds of teams may attend each tournament, and we must plan and secure in advance enough rooms to accommodate all teams and athlete families traveling into the area.
We geo-targeted hotels close to the venue and sourced brand-name hotels for your convenience.
We ensure that your club or group has the option to stay together in one location close to the venue. Group leaders can secure a block of rooms without having to complete a contract with the hotel or deal with attrition clauses and penalties for rooms that are not reserved.
Our hotel partners remove a block of rooms from their general public inventory, and we must implement a policy that residing teams book these allocated rooms.
Partner hotels provide Special Event Rates, which are discounted group rates based upon the volume of rooms allocated towards the event.
The Partner Hotels contractually agree these rates to be the Lowest Available Rates during the event.
We negotiate to add in amenities that may not usually be available if you booked on other sites. These may include complimentary parking, breakfast, discounts to on-site restaurants, etc.
Book Your Block visits and inspects partner hotels. We communicate these experiences with group leaders and athlete families to ensure each group is at the best location and has the amenities and comforts desired by the group.
Offering one centralized booking site makes it simple and efficient for teams to compare hotel amenities and pricing.
We offer a complimentary concierge service that helps you select the hotel that best fits your club's needs and sets up the room blocks, as well as offering template communications to athlete families.
All guest rooms in each hotel block are at the same room rate, so athlete families in the group all pay the same amount no matter what order they book. The Book Your Block system is different from the traditional hotel booking model, which continually raises the room rate as more rooms book, and less inventory becomes available.
The Stay to Play policy also provides direct access to other discounts and benefits that are available as we continue to grow events in regions (i.e. area restaurants, shopping, and attraction discounts). The program is not available at all events.
Having a successful relationship with our hotel partners, leads to annual increases in our hotel inventory which helps support the event's growth.
As the tournaments grow, we require access to increased facilities, and producing verifiable room pick-ups from one centralized booking platform helps us gain community support.