Unfortunately, Event Operators sometimes cancel events due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances.

Book Your Block has created the following information to help attendees and athlete families understand the ramifications of the event cancellation on their hotel booking.

    • Book Your Block requires all Event Operators to contact us immediately if an event is canceled.

    • Sometimes, we learn about a canceled event from a group leader or guest. We can only act once the Event Operator officially notifies us in writing.

    • If someone contacts our call center and advises of an event cancellation, we inform the event to request confirmation.

  • Once the Event Operator confirms that an event has been canceled, Book Your Block:

    • Notify the hotel partners by email.

    • Notify the group leaders by email and request assistance in relaying specific booking cancelation information to group members.

    • Notify the guest by email, providing them with detailed instructions on how to cancel their reservation.

    • Guests are solely responsible for canceling their bookings

    • All hotel bookings must be canceled through the Book Your Block system

    • We request guests cancel their reservations immediately upon learning of the canceled event to avoid additional penalties and fees.

    • If you do not cancel your canceled event booking within 2 working days of receiving notification or the date of check-in, you are ineligible for any refunds

    • Each hotel booking is subject to the terms and conditions the guest agreed to at the time of booking.

    • The booking policies are listed in the Guest Booking Receipt confirmation email sent at the time of booking.

    • Each hotel sets its cancellation policy, and those terms differ from hotel to hotel.

    • The cancellation policy on discounted group blocks may differ from the hotel brand's general cancel policy.

    • Often a booking cancellation processed past the cancellation date identified in the policy will incur a penalty of the balance of one-night stay plus taxes.

    • Some hotels in peak season markets may impose a strict cancellation policy and may charge the guest a penalty for the balance of the entire duration of the stay.

    • The hotel has the legal right to enforce the terms and conditions of the booking.

    • The hotels have made large room blocks available to the event attendees at discounted group rates.

    • The guests booking in group blocks often attend events operating on multiple days with multiple nights stays.

    • A canceled event causes a significant financial loss for the hotel.

    • If the hotel receives limited notice of the canceled event, it may be unable to resell the room block allocated across the event dates and will incur a greater loss.

    • Event operators want to give their events every chance to operate and often wait until the last minute to cancel weather-related cancellations.

    • Day-of-arrival event cancellations create logistical issues for the event, group leaders, attendees, hotels, and Book Your Block.

    • No matter how you book a hotel, a day-of-arrival reservation cancellation often incurs a financial penalty.

    • During the hotel booking process, guests can purchase travel insurance from IMG for a fraction of the hotel booking amount.

    • The IMG insurance covers canceled events, athlete injuries, and COVID scenarios (see policy for details).

    • Upon learning that the event is canceled, we communicate detailed booking cancellation instructions and information to the guests.

    • We contact group leaders and request they additionally communicate instructions to their group members.

    • We contact hotel partners, asking if they would waive their cancellation policy.

    • If a hotel is sticking to its cancel policy and charging guests as per the terms and conditions of that policy, Book Your Block is contractually bound and must abide by and support the policies contracted with the hotel partner.

    • Book Your Block can only communicate exceptions to the policies, if the hotel sales manager provides notice of the exception in writing.

    • The front desk operator telling the guest that they will not be charged may be inaccurate information, because the front desk is likely not aware of the booking terms the hotel has set on the group block.

  • For canceled events, Book Your Block, may, in its sole discretion, waive its deposit policy terms and refund guests’ deposits paid to Book Your Block at the time of booking or after modifications upon the following confirmation from the hotel.

    • If the hotel advises in writing that it will not charge a penalty to the guest, Book Your Block, shall refund the Deposit paid at the time of booking or after modification in full, minus the $15 processing fee.

    • If the hotel charges the guest a penalty of a one-nights stay, Book Your Block shall refund the guest the portion of the deposit paid at the time of booking or after modification for any additional night over the one-night stay.

    • If the hotel charges the guest for the entire stay, no deposit paid at the time of booking or after modification can be refunded by Book Your Block.

    • Book Your Block can only progress with a potential refund upon receiving notification of the hotel's decision.

    • Our customer service team must complete any deposit refund manually, so delays may occur.

    • Guests receive notification from the automated system at the time the refund is processed.

    • Once refunds are processed, it may take 5 - 10 business days for the amount to post to your credit card account.